torsdag 21 mars 2013

My last days in Germany

I've been here for five days now, and this will be my last. It's been great and a part of me don't want to go back. It's easy to get used to having my own room, cooking my own food and having lazy evenings with tea infront the tv. I've cooked with grandma, taken a few walks (not so many, I've been lazy), gone shopping, eating abendessen, helping grandma with her computer and installing their new printer.

Since it's my last whole day today, me and grandma are going to Neuvied and this castle we went past in the car yesterday. AND WE'RE HAVING SALMON FOR LUNCH! :D I'm sooo happy!

When I come back to England I'll only have 2 1/2 months left and I intend to make the most of them! London, Devil's dyke, Oxford, Stratford-upon-avon, CAE practice, Cambridge, picknicks and lots of other stuff is on my "to do" list! And many walks with Woody!

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