onsdag 10 april 2013

8 weeks and two days

It's crazy how fast time fly by! And I've just realised that I can't do everything I'd planned, I simply don't have the time. But that's good, because when I come here with my friends, I'll still get to experience new things! The Harry Potter tour is one of the things I'm saving. I want to go there, but with friends that share my  love for HP!

I'm going to Lion King in London, this is one of the things I've decided to make time for.

Doesn't it look wonderful! 

This weekend I'm planning to go to London, see a few things (like Big Ben and Buckingham Palace, that sort of things). But we'll see how it goes, it seem like whenever I decide to go to London, the weather interferes and mess up my plans! However, they said on the radio this morning that spring is here, and that it'll be around ten degrees on saturday, and 21 next weekend! I cross my fingers and hope that they're not wrong! 

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