fredag 31 maj 2013

7 days left!

Wow, 7 days left! Tomorrow, me, Cornelia, Karl and their friend will go to London (one last time before I leave)! We're going to the M&M store and I hope to go to the big store Maja's always talking about (I can't remember the name though...).

The rest of the family will be home in a bit and Woody as well! I've missed him and on sunday I plan to take him on a long walk!

måndag 27 maj 2013

torsdag 23 maj 2013

15 days left!

Gosh, I'm really going to miss this one.

Maria from Chile had her birthday a week ago and Debbie and Cornelia made a wonderful cake!

Hehe, yeah sure... Guest lectures... That's just hilarious!

This is the great wall of quotes (and about the only thing I actually really like about the school). Lots of quotes, for example this one;  "It's a miracle that curiosity survives formal education" -A.Einstein

söndag 19 maj 2013

Today I straightened my hair but even though it was widely appreciated, it just not me. I'm more like my hair, crazy and free. I don't do well in conformed environments...

Just look at it, it looks so weird! I could have my hair like this once a month or something, but not all the time!

lördag 18 maj 2013

3 weeks left

I only have three weeks left here! It's crazy! Today I did the final bookings for my departure (I'm going to sleep at Heathrow one night before my flight). Soon my travel sickness will kick in... hehe no I'm only kidding, that'll not happen until the night before ;)

In the meantime, here's some old pictures

fredag 17 maj 2013

Study and Ted

Today I've been studying and watching Ted Talks. The people talking on Ted are amazing and I found a few new favorites!

I can honestly say that I've learned more English watching these video clips, than I have at EF!

tisdag 14 maj 2013

And a lot of pictures!

 I recently found some "old" pictures on my phone, enjoy!

For a time, it seemed like summer was coming!

During those sunny days I walked quite a bit

I also went to Lion King in London (AMAZING!)

The same week my dad had a stroke. I can tell you that the worst thing that can happen during your time abroad is that someone close to you ends up in the hospital. So I went home for a few days, to spend time with my family and see friends.

When I came back to Brighton, the sun was shining and Maja and Sofie were here! Carolina, Johanna and Pia also "stopped by" which was great, lots of friends! :D

We (Maja, Sofie and myself that is) went to Portobello Market in London (NOTTING HILL!) Half way down the street we ran into Carolina, Johanna and Pia, it really is a small world!

It was great having them here and I was sad to see them go yesterday! So much laughter, shopping and food! But now it's only 24 days until we'll see each other again! Gosh, it's really nothing :O

torsdag 9 maj 2013

I'm sorry about the recent radio silence, sometimes things happen, which stirs the very ground we stand on. Two weeks ago my father had a stroke. It wasn't a big stroke and fortunately the only thing affected is his right hand. Still, here I was, hundreds of miles away while my dad was in the hospital. So I called my insurance company and they paid for my flight home!

Being home for a few days felt so good, so good that I didn't really want to leave. But I have four weeks left so I kind of had to. And Maja and Sofie are coming to Brighton on Friday which I'm really looking forward to! So yesterday I got on a flight at 7.00 am and around 15.00 pm I was home again (yes, Peacehaven also feels like home to me).

I don't have any pictures for you at the moment, but it's practically summer outside so my camera is coming with me to school today! Pictures later