torsdag 28 februari 2013


I was showing Cam Umeå on google maps today, and then I showed her Mädan as well. Imagine how happy I was when I realized that I could have street view and see STUGAN!!!

Now I'm just trying to figure out what day this was because there's a lot of cars on our driveway!

söndag 24 februari 2013


I sang with the choir today and it was... okay. The more services I go to, the more I can grasp the idea of what Catholism is. I wouldn't say that it's my thing, I prefer the Church of Sweden (which is Lutheran or something). In this church they focus more on sin and it's actually written on the wall: Fear God. Not really my thing no. I'm more of an "love the next" and "treat others as you want to be treated" girl. I'm also a bit suspiciuos about how they stand with homosexuality and their view on women. Don't quite know if I wanna find out.

But anyway, this is all a part of the experience, I do learn alot and most of the songs are really fun to sing. In the end that's what matter the most to me.

fredag 22 februari 2013

Cream tea in Rottingdean

A few days ago, me and the girls walked to Rottingdean. The weather was wonderful and the town was really beautiful!

torsdag 21 februari 2013

Veg restaurant

I don't remember if I told you that I visited a vegeterian restaurant a few weeks back? Well I did and it was amazing! Pretty expensive but it was worth it...

Yesterday, me and Cam went down to the beach just below peacehaven. It was a bit windy but the sun was shining so ot felt kind of warm anyway:-)

lördag 16 februari 2013


So now I've finaly been to London! However, I only saw Oxfordstreet this time, because we where going there to go shopping. Next time it'll be Buckingham (drottningmodern), Big Ben and all that stuff!

torsdag 14 februari 2013

Happy Valentine's day!

To my friends and family! Gosh, I miss you all!

This morning a package arrived on my doorstep and you can guess how thrilled I was to see Marabou hearts inside!!! *Thanks mum and dad!* I took them with me to school and shared them with my friends (all of them went: mm...). I have three left, and those ones I'm saving for a rainy day (which should be pretty soon, at least if I go by the literally meaning of it).

This is my bedside table at the moment, chocolate from my family, an old analog camera from my mum, a perfume from the Bodyshop and jewellery!

måndag 11 februari 2013

Today is another day

Okay so today went... okay...
I first went to the academics office and once again, the "lady" wasn't very nice with me. I left feeling like I'd done something wrong! So no, I didn't like her much. And she told me that the level above mine is just for exam students and that isn't true so... Yeah well well, I went the Angela, the director of the school and she said that she would look into it. I'll go back to her tomorrow and see what she has to say. But basically she said that it's very rare that students move up two levels and that it's difficult when you're in the advanced levels, because you understand practically everything and that makes it difficult for them to know what to teach us. She ment something like that it's much more my responsibility since I'm in advanced, or something like that! Anyway, she was nice and didn't say it in a mean way (unlike the "lady" in academics). Whena I say "lady", I really mean something else...

Talked to dad tonight, it was really nice 'cause I've not talked to him in, I don't know how long! He told me that Tim is going to get facebook! My babybrother is going online, to be a part of the social network!!

Candy for my eyes!!! *drooling*

lördag 9 februari 2013

Today, I really miss my friends

Yep, today I'm having a "miss my friends" day. I miss how they know me, really know me. You guys know that I can be crazy, weird, funny, and just  "heltokig"!

I miss all the hillerious moments we have together. And how there's no need for words sometimes. And how , if I ever have a problem, you always answer; you know I'm always here for you!

Guys, I really miss you and I'm counting the day untill we meet again! <3

Maja: I can't believe that I don't have a single picture of you! Well, you know that you'll always be my angel <3

fredag 8 februari 2013

The thing about me and nightclubs

Okay so here's the thing. I just don't like nightclubs! For someone my age, that's like saying: I don't like fresh air. Or at least it seems like that, judging from the reactions I normaly get. People keep looking at me like I'm crasy or something, just because I'd rather spend the night in a pub where I'm actually able to speak to people, where the floor isn't like shewing gum and where the main reason isn't to get stupidly drunk.
The was a time where I wanted to live up to other people's expectations, but no more. Enough is enough and I haven't come here to please others.
Here in Brighton it's even more (påträngande, måste kolla upp det ordet), because this is like the partyplace number one. People keep telling me things like: yeah before you leave, I'll drag you with me to Oceana ( a nightclub), or yeah come on it'll be fun!
Sure, I will try the nightclubs but I'm sick and tired of people thinking that just because I'm nineteen I have to LOVE nightclubs! And this isn't just here in England, I had to meet these opinions at home as well.
I'm just so tired. Going to bed soon. Goodnight.

Stupid system

Okay so apparently I'm not moving up two levels, because then I'll reach the highest level to quickly... That doesn't make sense to me because now I might be stuck in a level that's a bit too easy for me for 5 weeks. And if I move up then I'll be in the highest level for 10 weeks instead of 5. I kind of understand how they think but I don't agree. I'd rather be in the highest level for 5 more weeks than what I'm meant to than speand 5 week not learning anything. Oh I don't know anymore, I'm so confused. And unfortunately I don't have much confidence in EF either, I've heard too much about the kind of "mistakes" they make...

But anyway, I went to the academic office and hopefully I'll get an answer by the begining of next week!

Other than this, I'm happy! Went with Cam on a two hours walk yesterday, before school, and the weather was beautiful, almost no clounds, sunny and not too windy! Woody loved it aswell and now I'm his best friend XD

onsdag 6 februari 2013

Telscombe village

I took a walk with Woody today and saw alot of things! We came to this village, it was beautiful and it felt like I was in an episode of midsomer murders or something...but without the murders. And oh, I saw a house with a "Välkommen" sign on the door! Almost knocked at it but no, they would probably just think that I'm weird or something. But I'm definately going there again and it felt so good with a long walk!
P.S as you can see it was quite windy !

tisdag 5 februari 2013


So now, I'm on my way home after a great evening! Me, Soraya, Yuu and a girl named Sonja went to this Thairestaurang Soraya knew of. And it was sooooo good! I ate something with chicken and rice (really spicy, I had tears in my eyes through the entire meal) and then Soraya ordered dessert for us... And wow, it was just amazing! So now I have a new favorit thairestaurang as well ^^

This is Sorayas last week, it's so sad cause I really like her... Maybe I'll go to visit her in Thailand sometime in the futher :-)